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Kunsthaus Bregenz

Kunsthaus Bregenz

Historical architecture
6900 Bregenz
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Description & Infos

An artistic haven where visitors can enjoy a stirring collection of artworks in peace. With the administrative facilities, shops and cafe all housed elsewhere, the gallery building is solely dedicated to hosting exhibitions.

The eye-catching facade features finely etched glass panels that surround the entire cube-shaped structure. These allow light to permeate into the areas between the individual floors and indirectly reach the exhibition spaces.

Design: Peter Zumthor, 1997

Location & directions

AT - 6900 Bregenz

47.504985, 9.747308

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vcloud, ID beba0cba-683c-40ec-9c64-25a912e33fcb
Last updated
04.10.2022, 09:51:45