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Kindergarten Muntlix

Muntlix kindergarten, Zwischenwasser

Historical architecture
Fidelisgasse 1a
6835 Zwischenwasser
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Description & Infos

As a municipality with a focus on building culture, Zwischenwasser has had a design committee for twenty years and was only too keen to organise a competition for the construction of its new kindergarten. This structure helps establish a link between all the municipal buildings (municipal office, youth centre, parsonage and school) leading towards the church along Fidelisstrasse road. Situated slightly further away from the road than the neighbouring structures, the new kindergarten boasts a courtyard that fits in with an alternating chain of courtyards from the municipal hall to the church. The compact kindergarten is divided into a number of different areas, such as loggias and large windows overlooking open space, to ensure a multi-faceted experience. And as the vertical faces of the facade slats are coated red and green while the front face retains its natural timber look, the exterior seems to come alive in a shimmering burst of colour.

The interior also shares this clear, sophisticated division of space, with the coat racks forming a series of passages and the wooden staircases representing routes to the outside. Packed loam flooring is installed throughout, even in the activity room.

Design: HEIN architekten, 2013

Location & directions

Fidelisgasse 1a
AT - 6835 Zwischenwasser

47.285279, 9.660987

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vcloud, ID 13d5a458-3662-4ad2-917d-c6d80594f627
Last updated
28.04.2022, 12:41:44