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Röthis Kindergarten

Röthis village centre

Historical architecture
6832 Röthis

Description & Infos

The historic centre of Röthis is the perfect place to take in the dynamic development of this village over recent years. Just to the north-east are the historically protected parish church and the charming cemetery, both of which are well worth a look.

Diagonally opposite is an example of the successful way that the rustic older buildings typical of Röthis have been handled: the top floor of this 200-year-old farmhouse now hosts an agency, with the ground floor and cellar given over to a wine store. The sanitary facilities are located in a small new building connected via a glass link and a new steel staircase leads down to the vaulted cellar. In another feature drawn up by architect Reinhard Drexel, the foundation walls of the former stables now encompass a cutting-edge office. Its shingled design means that it is thermally and structurally separate from the brickwork base and also blends in well with its surroundings.

The route then follows Schulgasse road down to the kindergarten and primary school. Erected in 1908, the old schoolhouse is a typical primary school of the Empire period. During the renovation of the existing building and the addition of a connecting structure, local firm architektur.terminal preserved the interior layout and converted the entrance areas into learning environments.

The same company also designed the kindergarten located directly opposite, with its positioning and L-shaped look establishing a clear link to the schoolhouse and uniting the two establishments as a mini campus of sorts. This timber structure maintains high standards in relation to ecology and building biology, with its large glass fronts, terraces and loggias preserving a direct connection to the attractive surroundings.

Designed by Cukrowicz Nachbaur Architekten, the Musikhaus at the end of Schulgasse road is another superlative example of Vorarlberg architecture and also features a ground-floor cafe. Turn left here and head along Rautenastrasse road to return to the church. This will lead you past the “Vorderlandhus” social centre and an unconventional octagon-shaped stable building, thus rounding off the remarkable variety of architectural treats in Röthis.

Steuerberatungskanzlei Frick

Architecture: Reinhard Drexel, 2001


Architecture: Reinhard Drexel, 2001

Kindergarten Röthis

Architecture: architektur.terminal (Dieter Klammer und Martin Hackl), 2011

Volkschule Röthis

Architecture: architektur.terminal (Dieter Klammer und Martin Hackl), 2016

Musikhaus Röthis

Architecture: Cukrowicz Nachbaur, 2010


Architecture: Leopold Kaufmann/Nägele Waibel, 1984/2006


Architecture: Ebenhoch Architektur: Heike Brigitte Bruckner, 2018

Location & directions

AT - 6832 Röthis

47.292137, 9.656753

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Data source
vcloud, ID 3f45d45c-b910-4232-ae8a-2216a417f911
Last updated
28.04.2022, 12:41:44